Wan gave us the Scene Three files on Monday so they got rendered as soon as possible, and then he sent us the Scene One files on Tuesday. At this time i was adding in the names on all the graves as it had been missed out.
By Tuesday night we had rendeed most of scene three, and started scene one. By Wednesday we had everything rendered apart from the dynamic smoke in scene one.
Whilst all this has been happening i have spent my time wisely by learning after effects for all the smaller thing we need such as the puff of smoke as Bob appears and the electrocution for the heart attack man. I animated them onto of the 3d animatic playblasts. Unfortunately when it came to putting them on the final renders john had changed the shots slightly so i had to redo most of them and change them around.
Unfortunately they are too big to upload on here.
I have also played around with the titles.

Monday was mainly taken up by the meeting with the tutors but at leasts thats all sorted out now.
We finished rendering the final scene Thursday afternoon.
I still feel there is tension between me and John and he has left out my old people's sign from scene two as him and rachel decided it looked stupid. To be honest i discussed this with tutors and it is needed so that it is obvious that it is an old people's home, otherwise you do not know until scene three and you have to make the assumption. It has rendered now and i didn't know until after, and now it is too late too add it in.
John called me during the week because the textures wouldnt load on the jehovah's witness in scene four when they came to render, and blamed me. It was becuase Rachel had used the wrong file and the keys had to be copied over. It was fixed but no one owned up to making a mistake.
I also realised that the PDA animation where it flies out of grims hands is very shoddy and should be redone but we do not have time. Im not sure if that was John or Rachels fault.
Problems occured:
Rendering stopped for no reason.
Rendering Raphael's file, a problem with the texture meant he rendered black.
Rendering John's Tree, it accidental had a transparency map on it and rendered see through.
Rendering Wan's Dynamics were taking about 30minutes a frame.
Rachel had not replaced the old scythe in scene one with the UV mapped and textured one.
John had changed the first camera, and made it run longer than it should of.
A fence went white for no reason
Skills Learnt:
After Effects stock footage importing and composition.
After Effects Wiggler.
After Effects Blur.
After Effects Electricity (Lightning).
Maya, how to copy over attributes for the pivot on an object.
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