Sunday, 14 October 2007

Morpheus Departs

Today i recieved an email From JB Webb-Benjamin aka Morpheus, stating he will no longe rbe on the BA course due to family circumstances and what not and we will therefore be lacking a member, the Technician, but I'm sure we'll be ok. This is roughly what the email contained;

Concerning Project: Grim ->

Unfortunately I'll be unable to continue with this project so regretably I
have to resign from my position as full-time technical expert and concept
artist. However, so that my colleagues are not left in the lurch, so to
speak, I am more than willing to offer any technical assistance they may
require now or in the future throughout the duration of the project, so if
you need advice or any quick research and development then by all means
contact myself and I'll do my best to get you a result as quickly as
possible even though I won't be available physically. Not only can I offer
my technical assistance but I can also offer my technological assistance
also, so if necessary, I can offer an extra 1TB of rendering power when

In conclusion I cannot apologise enough for all the inconvenience that
this will course. My apologies.

Many thanks and good luck to all.

JB Webb-Benjamin

PS: For any enquiries of technical assistance please e-mail me at

Pat has volunteered to take on some of the Technical aspects of the project, and all together are are willing to try learn new things, and hopefully with JB Webb-Benjamin as an 'online tutor' when needed, we will be able to still get the effects we originally planned for the project.

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